Viktoryia Shypitsa

Web Designer & Developer from Earth

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About Me

I'm Viktoryia Shypitsa,
A web designer & developer from earth

Born in Belarus. Speak 4,5 languages. Bachelor’s in Translation and Musical Diploma. Addicted to coffee and Web Design. Mama of two Korat cats…

These things are not the only characteristics which would describe me as a person. People say that I’m a problem solver and I always have an answer to any question. That not always true…

Sometimes I have to get out of my comfort zone and make an effort to get the job done or find the solution. I believe that if you want to make an impact and you have a lot of ideas, don’t procrastinate, put them into action.

I have a lot of hobbies as well as I fall in love with a lot of things which I could make my permanent job, but we only live once that’s why we have to decide what we want to become. If I could spend 24 hours doing my favorite things that would be traveling, learning languages of other nationalities, making professional photos in order to show them to NatGeo, creating music of any style, filming documetaries and make donations from earned budget to people in need. But since it’s not 2119 when all people are actually cyborgs and don’t sleep, I figured that I would rather learn web development which will allow me to do all my desired things in virtual reality.

The places where I've studied

  • 2012 - 2016


    Bachelor’s Degree
  • 2017-2018

    QA 101

    Quality Assuarance Certificate
  • 2019

    University of Washington

    Certificate if Full Stack Web Development

The places where I've worked

  • 2016-2017

    Hi-Tech Park

  • 2017-2018

    TED Talks

  • 2017-2018

    QA 101

    Team lead
  • 2018-2019


    UX Designer
  • 2019- current


    QA Technician

Take a look at my works

Have a cool project in mind? contact me.
